Showing posts with label Blue Cross / Blue Shield. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Blue Cross / Blue Shield. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Chicago Industrial Chess League season underway

As always, check out the latest results at the fabulous CICL site.  I play for the AMA Rogue Squadron in the East Division: we won a tough match on Monday against Blue Cross / Blue Shield 4-2.  Our teammate Jim Duffy lost a very interesting game to Sonny Mata, and it took me a long time to figure out the computer evaluations in this very interesting ending.  Please take the following notes with a large grain of salt: I'm still not sure I understand what was going on, and computers are not to be trusted in rook endings!

 After 40.Kc2
Black to play: how to stop the e-pawn?

Analysis diagram
White to play and win: harder than it looks!