Showing posts with label Nikolai Grigoriev. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Nikolai Grigoriev. Show all posts

Monday, September 5, 2011

Torture from Grigoriev

64, 1936
White to play and win

Some positions in this study could have arisen in my game with Mack Smith.  The solution is not easy!

Monday, December 21, 2009

Grigoriev's amazing pawn endings (answer to 1)

Grigoriev's amazing pawn endings (1)

I did not know until I peeked in Wikipedia that Nikolai Grigoriev won the Moscow championship four times.  He's best remembered today as a composer of endgame studies: pawn endings were his specialty.

(After my last tournament outing, I feel that I need a refresher course in pawn endings: maybe you can help me!)

Shakmatny listok, 1931
White to play and draw

Every pawn ending starts as something other than a pawn ending: it's fairly obvious that White is going to have to give up the rook for Black's b-pawn.  But how?  And how does White draw the pawn ending?

Our new friend the trébuchet may make an appearance in one of the variations.

Solutions in a few hours!