I have yet to see games from the 1st Metropolitan Chess Inter,national , a 9-round norm event held August 17-21 in Los Angeles. But our local players certainly did well. GM Mesgen Amanov tied for second with a 6½-2½ score. GM Dmitry Gurevich had a mediocre event, but still scored 5½-3½. Eric Rosen had an IM norm in his grasp, but lost against IM Mark Ginsberg in the last round. (Note to Eric: I beat Mark Ginsberg when I was sixteen.) And NM Adarsh Jayakumar beat up on the locals (including IM Jack Peters) and gained some ELO with his 4½-4½ score.
GM Michael Adams simply outclassed the field: he won with a 7½-1½ score. One wouldn't want to be playing him in the World Cup!