First place was (of course?) New York's I.S. 318 team. Now that Elizabeth Vicary is engaged and maddeningly succesful, we do not find her quite so charming ;-)
Hat tip to David Holecek.
1 NYI318 I.S. 318, Brooklyn,NY (25) 23.5 92.5 126.5 205.0 97.0 BLACK, James A, Jr (6.5,2156) FENG, Danny (6.0,1993) KIM, David (5.5,1777) WILLIAMS, Rashawn J (5.5,1778) 2 ILDWJH Daiel Wright JHS, Lincolnshire, (5) 19.5 70.0 98.0 139.0 77.0 BIAN, Alex (5.5,1839) OBERHAUS, Conrad (5.0,1888) HOLECEK, Zachary (4.5,1907) BIAN, Victoria (4.5,1516)