Here is an amusing blitz game I played many years ago. It ends with a very unusual checkmate effected by a bishop and pawn. I later learned from Jimmy Adams' book Richter Veresov System that the entire game was analysis by Yudovich, although I had no idea of that at the time. After my 4...exf6!? (4...gxf6 is more solid), 5.e3 is probably best, intending to give Black an isolated queen pawn with a later dxc5. After 5.dxc5?, my pieces became dangerously active.
At move 7, White should have played 7.Nd6+, when Sanchez-Larrea, Mexico 1953 continued 7...Bxd6 8.cxd6 Qxd6 9.Nf3 Nc6 10.c3 0-0-0 11.cxd4 (better is 11.Nxd4) Qb4+ 12.Qd2 Nxd4!! 13.Rc1+? (13.Qxb4? Nc2#; 13.Nxd4! Qxd2+ 14.Kxd2 Rxd4+ 15.Kc3 Rhd8 with large advantage to Black - Adams) Nc2+!! 14.Rxc2 Bxc2 15.Qxb4 Rc1#.
Czerniak-Pirc, Mar del Plata 1950 diverged from that game with 9.Qd2 Nc6 10.a3 O-O 11.Nf3 Rac8 12.c3? Rfd8 13.Rd1 dxc3!, when White got in terrible trouble but managed to scrounge a draw after 14.Qxd6 Rxd6 15.Rxd6 cxb2 16.Nd2 Nd4 17.f3 Nb3 18.e4 Rc1+ 19.Kf2 g6 20.Nxb3 b1(Q) 21.Nxc1 Qxc1 22.Rd3 Be6 23.Rg1 f5 24.exf5 Qb2+ 25.Be2 Bc4 26.Re3 gxf5 27.Re1 Kg7 28.f4 b5 29.Kg3 Be6 30.Bf3 a5 31.Rd1 a4 32.Bd5 Qc2 33.Rdd3 Kf6 34.h3 h5 35.h4 Qc1 36.Rc3 Qg1 37.Bf3 Kg6 38.Rcd3 Bc4 39.Rd6+ Kg7 40.Re5 Qc1 41.Rxf5 Qxa3 42.Rb6 Qc3 43.Rg5+ Kf8 44.Rb8+ Ke7 45.Re5+ Kf6 46.Rb6+ Be6 47.Rbxb5 a3 48.Ra5 Kg7 49.Rg5+ Kf8 50.Ra8+ Ke7 51.Re5 Kf6 52.Raa5 Bc4 53.Rec5 Qe1+ 54.Kh3 a2 55.Rf5+ Kg7 56.Rg5+ Kf8 57.Rgc5 Ke7 58.f5 Qc1 59.Ra4 Qh1+ 60.Kg3 Bb3 61.Ra7+ Kd6 62.Rca5 Qe1+ 63.Kh3 Qh1+ 64.Kg3 1/2-1/2. You can play over Czerniak-Pirc here.