Showing posts with label Illinois Class. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Illinois Class. Show all posts

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Wrapup - 2012 Illinois Class Championships

Jim Froehlich (left) plays  Mario Bartocci
Keith Ammann reports on the ICA website!

There are more photos at

Speaking of which, didn't 
Ruy López de Segura advise his readers to place the chess board in such a way that their opponents would be blinded by the light of sun?  Two veteran Illinois tournament players  discovered that artificial light works equally well:

Giving a new meaning to "reflection":
neither player has been identified at the time of this post

Tuesday, November 20, 2012

Illinois Class results!

Final results and prizewinners are here on the Illinois Class website, and the event was rated almost immediately. Permit me be lazy and link to Keith Ammann's tournament report, which should be going up on the ICA website in the next day or so. Thanks to Keith Ammann, Wayne Clark, Maret Thorpe, Gary Jannsen, and the staff at Concordia University for a very smooth event at a very nice location!

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

2012 Illinois Tour standings

Here are the complete standings with one event to go, the 2012 Illinois Class.

NM Tenzing Shaw and GM Nikola Mitkov lead the Open section with 22 points.  GM Dmitry Gurevich is right behind with 21½ points, and NM Jonathan Kogen and NM Sam Schmakel remain with striking distance of the title at 21 points.

Jim Froehlich seems very close to clinching the Reserve title at 28 points.  Joe Delay (23) and Michael Penway (22) are most likely battling for second.

And here are the leaders in the Reserve Scholastic section:

Andrew Fei

Maximilian Zinski

David Peng

Jason Daniels

Akshay Indusekar

Caeley Harihara

Ethan Brown

Aydin Turgut

Aakash Meduri


You still have time to change your fate (or, less dramatically, move up a couple notches in the standings): enter the Illinois Class!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Rated Beginners' Open on November 17th

This event, at Concordia University in River Forest, is a good event for beginners from ages 6 to 96 (sorry, Erik Karklins, you're too strong, if not too old, to play).


Saturday, Nov. 17
5/SS, G/30 + d5
Open to players rated under 1200 or unrated. U.S. Chess Federation membership is required. To become a member, visit the USCF website or choose the appropriate option in the registration cart.
Sets will be provided; if you have a clock, bring it.
Schedule: Rounds at 10 and 11:15 AM, 1, 2:15 and 3:30 PM
Prizes: Trophies for 1st, 2nd and 3rd place, top U800 and top unrated
Entry Fee: $25 before Nov. 3, $30 before Nov. 15, $35 on site
Registration: To register in advance using a credit or debit card or Paypal, use the online shopping cart. To register by mail, send checks payable to the Illinois Chess Association to ICC RBO, 6021 N. Wickwood Road, Peoria, IL 61614. On-site registration (cash or check only) will be available from 9 to 9:45 AM.
Of course, the Illinois Class Championships will also be held concurrently at the same River Forest site.


Note for newbies: "5/SS" means (very roughly) that you'll be playing five games, and that winners play winners and losers play losers (no one is eliminated).  

"G/30 + d5" means that each player has thirty minutes to make his or her moves for the game, and that you're guaranteed at least five seconds to make a move, no matter how many moves you make. But if you run out of time, your opponent will probably be able to claim a win.

Now all the National Tournament Directors in Illinois will post comments about how I didn't get this quite right. But I think this is kinda close! 

Friday, February 10, 2012

A final installment of games from TJWO well as the crucial game from December's Illinois Class, in which Dr. Tansel Turgut beats eight-year-old Awonder Liang (whose name makes him a Wünderkind in more than one sense).

Dr. Turgut annotates his game (only the introduction was written by me).  I annotate my game with Patrice Connelly, in which two reasonably competent players each cram their share of mistakes into a short game: the Marshall Attack demands precise play.  All other annotations are by FM Albert Chow, who's covering the games of the 2012 Illinois Tour.

Other featured players include Dean Arond, Avinash Rahendra, NM Greg Bungo, Jiahua Zhang, Andy Applebaum, and NM Ken Wallach,

Games are here!