Showing posts with label Youth Chess Foundation of Chicago. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Youth Chess Foundation of Chicago. Show all posts

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Youth Chess Foundation of Chicago season begins at Lane Tech on Nov. 16!

Fresh from the inbox:

Please join us next Saturday, November 16th, for the first
YCFC tournament of the year, at Lane Tech College Prep.  A
location guide is attached.
All rosters are due Thursday, November 14th.  This is for
everyone - both new and returning players.  Once a player is
submitted on a roster, they are eligible to play in all six YCFC
tournaments this year.
I hope to see you next Saturday!
November 16th Tournament at Lane Tech

Albert G. Lane Technical High School.
2501 W. Addison (3600 North)
Schedule:  Registration   9:00 - 9:30
                  Tournament  10:15 - 3:00
                  Trophy Presentation  3:15 (est.)
   All players must check-in at the tournament site by 9:30!
   Late arrivals will not be paired in the first round

3 Sections:  Novice K-4, Novice 5-8, Advanced
   Unrated, no entry fee 
   Swiss-style, 5 rounds (est.), USCF standard tiebreaks
   G/20 + 3 sec. increment in Advanced section when clocks are available
   Notation required in the Advanced section

Awards:  Individual trophies to the top 10 in both novice
   sections.  Individual trophies to the top 6 in the advanced
   section.  Team trophies to the top three teams in both novice
   sections.  Team trophy to top team in the advanced section.
   Team score calculated by top four scores in novice sections,
   top three scores in advanced.
Entries:  YCFC uses a roster system for tournament entries.
  All players on submitted rosters are eligible to play in any
  YCFC tournament during the scholastic year.  Submit
  rosters, including name, grade, school and section to
  attn: Mike Cardinale, no later than Thursday, November 14th.
  All players must check-in on site by 9:30.
Coaches:  Please let me know if you plan on attending with a
  rough estimate of the number of players by Thursday, November 14th.
Many thanks to athletic director Brian Hofman for welcoming us to
the school, and to Cindy Frapolly and to Debi Prince for suggesting
Lane Tech and for doing all of the groundwork.  A great effort!

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Mille felicitazioni!

Stolen from Tom Panelas on Facebook (and you are already a member of the Chicago Area Chess  Facebook group, no?)
Congratulations to Marco Codenotti of Pisa, Italy, who reports that he’s just earned his IM title. Marco is a former Chicagoan, Hyde Parker, and student at William H. Ray Elementary School. His father told me a few years ago that Ray was the place where Marco started getting serious about chess. He played for the school in the 2005 CPS elementary school championships at Lane Tech, at least one or two of Mike Cardinale’s YCFC tournaments, and possibly one of Zack Fishman's Navy Pier events, though I’m not sure about the latter. He also did Wayne Smith’s summer chess camp at Kennicott Park in Kenwood. Marco is 15 or 16, which means he’s certainly on track to make GM in due course.

 International Master Marco Codenotti of Chicago Pisa

Tom had blogged about Marco as early as 2007.

Congratulations to Marco and his family!  (Well, we still have the Leaning Tower Y....)

YCFC at Northside: Karafiol takes Advanced section

There were no perfect scores in the Advanced section, but Jonah Karafiol (Skinner North) took clear first with 4½-½.

Here are the top finishers in this 38-player section (if the font is too small for you to read, click on the image below to enlarge):

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

YCFC: Sell, Ninofranco win Novice 7-8

Nick Sell (Blaine) and Russell Ninofranco (Waters) each had a perfect 5-0 in the Novice 7-8 section of Saturday's Youth Chess Foundation of Chicago event at Northside Prep. 

Top finishers from this 66-player section are below:

YCFC: Valle and Pitter tie for top Novice 5-6

Jesse Valle (Kanoon) and Tayhe Pitter (Beasley) shared the top spot 4½-½ in the Novice 5-6 section after a final round draw; Valle took the trophy on tiebreaks.

Edgebrook took top team in this section.

YCFC: Joey Buklis wins Novice 3-4

There were 109 (!) players in the Novice 3-4 section.  Joey Buklis (Bell)  and Miles Lokken (Decatur) tied for first with perfect 5-0 scores; Joey won the blitz playoff.

Hat tip to two other players undefeated in regular play, Alexander Ursu (Bell) and Joseph Garza (Gallistel), each with 4½-½.

Congratulations to all the top finishers below!

Lennin Bravo wins YCFC K-2 Novice at Northside

Well over 300 players came to Northside Prep last weekend to play in the Youth Chess Foundation of Chicago's event.  How many students were there?  Hey, I'm a blogger, not a reporter: count the noses yourself :-)

Here are the top finishers in the 58-player Novice K-2 section (click on the image to see the names without squinting...)

Lennin Bravo of Burbank took clear first with 5-0; his teammate Danny Del Liano took clear 2nd with 4½-½.

Tuesday, February 12, 2013

YCFC at Northside Prep this Saturday!

Rumor has it that Northside Prep isn't easy to get into.  But follow the instructions below, and your scholastic team shouldn't have any problem this coming Saturday!

February 16th Tournament at Northside
Northside College Preparatory High School
5501 N. Kedzie (3200 West), just south of Bryn Mawr
Schedule:  Registration   9:00 - 9:30
                  Tournament  10:00 - 3:00
                  Trophy Presentation  3:15 (est.)
   All players must check-in at the tournament site by 9:30!
   Late arrivals will not be paired in the first round.
5 Sections:  Novice K-2, Novice 3-4, Novice 5-6, Novice 7-8, Advanced
   Unrated, no entry fee 
   Swiss-style, 5 rounds (est.), USCF standard tiebreaks
   G/20 + 3 sec. increment in Advanced section when clocks are available
   Notation required in the Advanced section
Awards:  Individual trophies to the top 7 in all novice sections,
               and to the top 6 in the advanced section.  Team trophies
               to the top two teams in all novice sections, and to the 
               top team in the advanced section.  Team score calculated
               by top four scores in novice sections, top three scores
               in advanced.
Entries:  YCFC uses a roster system for tournament entries.
              All players on submitted rosters are eligible to play in
              any YCFC tournament during the scholastic year.
              Submit rosters, including name, grade, school and
              section to, or by
              fax to 773-248-1007, attn: Mike Cardinale, no later than
              Thursday, February 14th.
              All players must check in on site by 9:30.
Coaches:  Please let me know if you plan on attending with
                a rough estimate of the number of players by
                Thursday, February 14th.
Thanks to Dan Caldwell for welcoming us back to Northside, with
able assistance from Mike and Lydia Bologna and the Northside
Mustangs chess team!

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

YCFC - January 19th event at De La Salle

Cut and pasted from email 

A Happy New Year to all!

Following is the announcement for our January 19th tournament at De La Salle Institute, co-hosted by St. Columbanus Elementary School.  

This year, we will be expanding our Novice sections from two to four for the January and February tournaments. This tournament will have a total of five sections - Novice K-2, Novice 3-4, Novice 5-6, Novice 7-8, and Advanced. Each Novice section will award seven individual trophies and two team trophies.  Overall, we will be awarding 43 trophies, up from the usual 33.  Don't miss this improved chance at taking home a trophy!

Those who have rosters on file need only submit additions to the roster - an entry list is not needed.
Please make note of the balance of our schedule below. I'm happy to report that we will be returning to Northside College Prep for the big February event!

January 19th Tournament at De La Salle

De La Salle Institute High School
3434 S. Michigan (100 East), NW corner of Michigan and 35th St.

Parking:  we have access to the IIT (Illinois Institute of Technology) parking lot adjacent to the west side  of the school on the north side of 35th Street.  If you  are proceeding east on 35th street from the Dan Ryan expressway, you will see the lot entrance on your left just before the school and Michigan Ave.  The sign on the lot says IIT, but there should also be an "Event Parking" sign up on Saturday.

Schedule:  Registration   9:00 - 9:30
                Tournament  10:00 - 3:00
                Trophy Presentation  3:15 (est.)

All players must check-in at the tournament site by 9:30! 
Late arrivals will not be paired in the first round.

5 Sections:  Novice K-2, Novice 3-4, Novice 5-6, Novice 7-8,  Advanced
   Unrated, no entry fee 
   Swiss-style, 5 rounds (est.), USCF standard tiebreaks
   G/20 + 3 sec. increment in Advanced section when clocks are available
   Notation required in the Advanced section

Awards:  Individual trophies to the top 7 in all novice sections, and to the top 6 in the advanced section.  Team trophies to the top two teams in all novice sections, and to the top team in the advanced section.  Team score calculated by top four scores in novice sections, top three scores in advanced.

Entries:  YCFC uses a roster system for tournament entries.All players on submitted rosters are eligible to play in any YCFC tournament during the scholastic year.Submit rosters, including name, grade, school and section to, or by fax to 773-248-1007, attn: Mike Cardinale, no later than Thursday, January 17th.

All players must check in on site by 9:30.

Coaches:  Please let me know if you plan on attending with a rough estimate of the number of players by Thursday, January 17th

Thanks again to George Dzuricsko of De La Salle and Kelli Moore of St. Columbanus for welcoming us back, and to the De La Salle Meteors chess team for assisting!

Moving Up!

The following players will move up to the advanced section on January 19th according to YCFC rules:

Vicki Liang, Goudy, 1st place, Novice 5-8
Miguel Castro, Bateman, 2 trophies, Novice 5-8
Andres Hernandez-Sanchez, Bell, 2 trophies, Novice 5-8
Johnny Tran, Goudy, 2 trophies, Novice 5-8
Russel Ninofranco, Waters, 2 trophies, Novice 5-8

Remaining Schedule

February 16                 Northside College Preparatory High School
                                  5501 N. Kedzie (3200 W)                                      

April 13                       Air Force Academy High School
                                  3630 S. Wells (200 W) 

May 11                       T.B.A.

Tuesday, December 4, 2012

YCFC event this weekend at Rickover Naval Academy

Mike Cardinale reminds us that the Youth Chess Foundation of Chicago will have an event this Saturday at Rickover Naval Academy (Rickover is part of the Senn High School campus in Chicago's Edgewater neighborhood, on the Far North Side).  Email cut-and-paste follows:

A final reminder that the second YCFC tournament of
the year takes place this Saturday, December 8th, at
Rickover Naval Academy, with details reprinted below.

 New rosters and roster additions are due Thursday.
Also, please reply with a an estimated number of players
if you haven't already done so.  This is also important
for coaches who wish to reserve a team room! 

Once again, we'll put Will Tseng to the test with a
warm-up clock simul, beginning at approximately 9:30.
All are welcome to participate.

December 8th Tournament at Rickover

Rickover Naval Academy
5900 N. Glenwood (1400 West), just south of Thorndale

Entrance/Parking:  we will be using Door 10 on the west
   side of the building, facing Ridge Ave.  We'll have use of
   the parking lot adjacent to the entrance at Door 10.  The
   entrance to the lot is on Thorndale, which is the street
   bordering the north side of the school.  Thorndale is a
   one-way street heading west, so you will need to approach
   the school from the east on Thorndale to enter the lot.
   There should also be some street parking available.

Schedule:  Registration   9:00 - 9:30
                  Tournament  10:00 - 3:00
                  Trophy Presentation  3:15 (est.)
   All players must check-in at the tournament site by 9:30!
   Late arrivals will not be paired in the first round.

3 Sections:  Novice K-4, Novice 5-8, Advanced
   Unrated, K-8, no entry fee 
   Swiss-style, 5 rounds (est.), USCF standard tiebreaks
   G/20 + 3 sec. increment in Advanced section when clocks are available
   Notation required in the Advanced section

Awards:  Individual trophies to the top 10 in both novice
               sections.  Individual trophies to the top 6 in the
               advanced section.  Team trophies to the top
               three teams in both novice sections.  Team trophy
               to top team in the advanced section.  Team score
               calculated by top four scores in novice sections,
               top three scores in advanced.

Entries:  YCFC uses a roster system for tournament entries.
              All players on submitted rosters are eligible to play in
              any YCFC tournament during the scholastic year.
              Submit rosters, including name, grade, school and
              section to, or by
              fax to 773-248-1007, attn: Mike Cardinale, no later than
              Thursday, December 6th.
              All players must check-in on site by 9:30.

Coaches:  Please let me know if you plan on attending with
                a rough estimate of the number of players by
                Thursday, December 6th.

Thanks to Principal Michael Biela for welcoming us back to Rickover this year!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Youth Chess Foundation of Chicago event at Rickover Naval Academy

Mike Cardinale of the Youth Chess Foundation of Chicago and Michael Biela (principal of Rickover Naval Academy, a CPS school on the Senn High School campus) hosted a 5-round game/20 event today that drew about 280 players. 

I had to leave before the awards ceremony, so I don't have final standings.  Unofficially, Abdel Raoul took clear first in the top section with a perfect 5-0.  I saw him drop a Fried Liver on Abraham Cornejo in Round 4 and win with good endgame technique.

And here are a few photos of the action in the Senn/Rickover cafeteria.  (An iPhone doesn't do the space justice: one would need a wide-angle lens.)

Mark your calendars for the next YCF event on January 21st, at De La Salle Institute / St. Columbanus, 3434 S. Michigan Avenue.

Monday, November 1, 2010

All Grade at Whitney Young November 13th!

Entry Fee: $125 per High School until Nov 10th. BRING Everybody for the fee of five.

Coaches can pay team registration fee at the tournament or online.

Register your teams at 

USCF Membership required--However, we can provide a one day membership that is valid for this event only. The fee for the one-day membership is $7 per player.

USCF Memberships can be purchased at We recommend a yearly membership for each player. 

Presented by  Whitney Young Magnet High School, Chess Education Partners, and the Youth Chess Foundation of Chicago

Individual entry fee is $25/player until Nov 5th.
If you have any questions, contact Paul Kash at or 773-512-2811

Saturday, May 1, 2010

Free scholastic event next Saturday, May 8, at Bateman School!

Details are here: if your child would like to play, please follow the instructions!  Bateman School is in the Irving Park neighborhood.

I've heard nothing but good things about the Youth Chess Foundation of Chicago events.