Showing posts with label PGN. Show all posts
Showing posts with label PGN. Show all posts

Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Steve Jobs rules from the grave

I am extremely fond of Chess Flash: it's a great way to publish PGN on the Web.

But I've been putting off the completion of certain chess projects for the web because the iPad and iPhone don't naturally support Adobe Flash.  (Jobs explained why here; reality undistortion here.)

And, let's face it, it's becoming Apple's world. Suggestions?

Friday, March 19, 2010

I want my PGN

Just sayin' 

Denker and Girls' Invitational players (and their TDs) are invited to send me raw / annotated game scores.  That goes for last weekend's winners as well.  Or if you're a geezer like me who's played an interesting game lately, just send it in!  If you're from Chicagoland, that helps.

And just what is Portable Game Notation (PGN)?  It's a broadly-accepted format for sharing chess games between computer programs.  You can enter your games in PGN and share them with the rest of the world.

Wednesday, December 2, 2009

calling all web geeks

A technical question: I thought that ChessFlash left the game in "pure" PGN. When I cut & paste from ChessFlash to PGN (by clicking thru on the link, then highlighting the target page's PGN input), the PGN comes out garbled on ChessBase. Am I doing something wrong?