Showing posts with label King's Indian Attack. Show all posts
Showing posts with label King's Indian Attack. Show all posts

Thursday, October 25, 2012

Pulling the trigger

It takes a certain amount of intestinal fortitude to sacrifice a piece against a Grandmaster. Even strong masters can be faint of heart at the critical moment, as Kevin Bachler explains:

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Bobby Fischer vs. Albert Sandrin, Milwaukee 1957

The fourteen-year-old Bobby had already won the Game of the Century, but he had not yet won his first U.S. Championship: that would come shortly after this game, in his miracle year 1958. Bobby didn't win the 1957 North Central Open, the traditional Turkey weekend event in Milwaukee, but he won this game against former U.S. Open champion Albert Sandrin of Chicago. Fischer was a virtuoso of the King's Indian Attack: this is a great early game that I'd never paid attention to before. Hat tip to Marty Wilber for calling it to our attention.
Fellow blogster NM Frederick Rhine has noted that the game shows Albert in a good light too, as Black had very real drawing chances in the opposite-color bishop ending. See the comments at