Showing posts with label Victoria Bian. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Victoria Bian. Show all posts

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Daniel Wright Jr. High (Lincolnshire) at K-8 Nationals

Congratulations to Alex Bian, Conrad Oberhaus, Zachary Holecek, and Victoria Bian, who led Daniel Wright Jr. High to 2nd place in K-8 nationals.

First place was (of course?) New York's I.S. 318 team.  Now that Elizabeth Vicary is engaged and maddeningly succesful, we do not find her quite so charming ;-)

Hat tip to David Holecek.

1 NYI318 I.S. 318, Brooklyn,NY (25)           23.5 92.5 126.5 205.0 97.0 
             BLACK, James A, Jr (6.5,2156)     
             FENG, Danny (6.0,1993)            
             KIM, David (5.5,1777)             
             WILLIAMS, Rashawn J (5.5,1778)    
  2 ILDWJH Daiel Wright JHS, Lincolnshire, (5)  19.5 70.0  98.0 139.0 77.0 
             BIAN, Alex (5.5,1839)             
             OBERHAUS, Conrad (5.0,1888)       
             HOLECEK, Zachary (4.5,1907)       
             BIAN, Victoria (4.5,1516)    

Monday, March 28, 2011

Victoria Bian wins Illinois Girls' Invitational

Cheryl Liu beat Victoria in the round three encounter of the leaders, but then Cheryl lost to Rachel Ulrich (who was ten years old the last time I asked!) in round 4.

=1st-2nd: Victoria Bian and Cheryl Liu, Victorial Bian wins on tiebreaks.

Other top finishers in this five-round round robin: Sonya Vohra (3-2) and Rachel Ulrich (2½-2½).

Crosstable here!

Andi Rosen organized for the Illinois Chess Association; Sevan Muradian directed.