Showing posts with label Conrad Oberhaus. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Conrad Oberhaus. Show all posts

Sunday, May 8, 2011

Daniel Wright JHS wins National Elementary Title

Good news from Dallas this weekend makes Illinois moms proud.  Congratulations to Daniel Wright Junior High School in Lincolnshire, which just won the National Elementary Title (K-6th grade) by two full points!

             BIAN, Alex (5.0,1839)             
             WEI, James (5.0,1856)             
             YU, Haoyang (5.0,1595)            
             HOLECEK, Zachary (4.5,1907)       
             OBERHAUS, Conrad (4.5,1888)
You can find the full results here.  More to follow, I'm sure. 

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Daniel Wright Jr. High (Lincolnshire) at K-8 Nationals

Congratulations to Alex Bian, Conrad Oberhaus, Zachary Holecek, and Victoria Bian, who led Daniel Wright Jr. High to 2nd place in K-8 nationals.

First place was (of course?) New York's I.S. 318 team.  Now that Elizabeth Vicary is engaged and maddeningly succesful, we do not find her quite so charming ;-)

Hat tip to David Holecek.

1 NYI318 I.S. 318, Brooklyn,NY (25)           23.5 92.5 126.5 205.0 97.0 
             BLACK, James A, Jr (6.5,2156)     
             FENG, Danny (6.0,1993)            
             KIM, David (5.5,1777)             
             WILLIAMS, Rashawn J (5.5,1778)    
  2 ILDWJH Daiel Wright JHS, Lincolnshire, (5)  19.5 70.0  98.0 139.0 77.0 
             BIAN, Alex (5.5,1839)             
             OBERHAUS, Conrad (5.0,1888)       
             HOLECEK, Zachary (4.5,1907)       
             BIAN, Victoria (4.5,1516)    

Monday, October 18, 2010

GM Mesgen Amanov wins Midwest Class

This was not your typical weekend Swiss: in the last three rounds, Mesgen had to beat current Illinois State Champion GM Dmitry Gurevich and four-time U.S. Champion GM Alexander Shabalov, then draw Filipino GM Mark Paragua.

95-year-old Erik Karklins tied for second in the Expert section and gained an estimated 21 rating points, for a net gain of 85 points this decade

10-year-old Warren Scholar Conrad Oberhaus won the Class B section with a perfect 5-0 score and is now an A player!  Warren Scholar James Wei (age 10) and grizzled veteran Zachary Holecek (age 11 or 12?) scored 3½ in the Class A section: both gained a bucket of ELO.

Crosstable here!  (USCF hasn't rated yet: I'll edit the post to add when it does.)

Sunday, May 9, 2010

National champions!

Congratulations to the team from Lincolnshire's Half Day School, winners of the National Elementary (K-5) Championships in Atlanta, Georgia, this weekend. Team members Alex Bian and Conrad Oberhaus tied for second overall, while James Wei tied for seventh and Jack Xiao scored +3 to finish 38th in a 272-player field. Good job!

And congratulations to Anshul Adve of Champaign's Countryside School, who also tied for seventh.

 P.S.  All these young Illinois players are fourth-graders and eligible to compete in next year's event (except for Jack Xiao, who's a third-grader...)
No. Name                         Gr Team   St Rate Pts 
  1 Beilin, Allan                 5 CARN01 CA 1833 6.5 
  2 Arora, Mayhul                 5 WASTEV WA 1541 6.0 
  3 Bian, Alex                    4 ILL004 IL 1806 6.0
  4 Zhao, Art                     4 CASTMK CA 1693 6.0
  5 Oberhaus, Conrad              4 ILL004 IL 1676 6.0
  6 Ishikawa, Takayuki            4 NYBROW NY 1488 6.0
  7 Lim, Michael                  5 NJG002 NJ 1742 5.5
  8 Viswanadha, Kesav             5 CAC018 CA 1916 5.5
  9 Jacob, Andrew                 5 TXLAUR TX 1641 5.5
 10 Wang, Patrick                 5 WASTEV WA 1716 5.5
 11 Adve, Anshul                  4 ILCSID IL 1622 5.5
 12 Yu, Justin J                  5 WAB004 WA 1636 5.5
 13 Wei, James                    4 ILL004 IL 1805 5.5
 14 Gianatasio, Michael           5 FLB001 FL 1710 5.5
 15 Goldstein, Ben                4 NYDALT NY 1533 5.5
 16 Tao, Jeffrey                  4 CAS047 CA 1599 5.5
 17 Kalyanpur, Armaan             5 CAMSJE CA 1594 5.5
 18 Santoyo, Edgar A              5 TXBAP1 TX 1467 5.5
 38 Xiao, Jack                    3 ILL004 IL 1426 5.0