Another local preteen, James Biondo (post-event rating 1566) and an adult who refused to be a victim, Talhah Chaudhry, split Class D honors, each scoring 4½-½. Ben Marks and Tiffany Madson divided third with 4-1.
Willam Wang of Illinois and Andrew Trattner of Wisconsin, tied for first in Class E, each with 4½-½. Jim Epley and Douglas Campbell, both of Illinois, tied for third with 4-1.
Chess can be cruel, as Keith Amman discovered in this final-round game against Alexander Breydburd from Class E:
34.Qd4! would have been a killer. But White ate a rook, which made winning surprisingly hard. 38.Qc5! would have done the trick.
Steve Immitt, Wayne Clark, and Jeff Wiewel directed for the Continental Chess Association.