Showing posts with label MegaBase. Show all posts
Showing posts with label MegaBase. Show all posts

Friday, September 14, 2012

Teacher Overslept! (Chess Homeschool, Day 4)

No particular theme today. Number 22 is relatively difficult.
11) White to play

12) Black to play

13) White to play

14) White to play

15) Black to play

16) White to play

17) Black to play

18) White to play

19) Black to play

20) White to play

21) White to play

22) White to play

23) Black to play

24) White to play

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Let Them Eat Queens (Chess Homeschool, Day 2)

Another day of prep: whew!  So teachers do this 180 days per year?

Winning the queen doesn't guarantee winning the game, but it certainly helps.  So before you turn on Cartoon Network, try the following quiz: answers tomorrow.  I believe that all of these games finished in 12 moves or less.  Some of you will probably recognize the famous position in the first game.

1) Black to play and win
2) White to play and win
3) Black to play and win

4) White to play and win
5) White to play and win
6) White to play and win
7) Black to play and win

8) White to play and win

9) White to play and win

10) White to play and win