Thursday, February 25, 2010

Tobey Maguire?

After seeing The Aviator, I'd argued for DiCaprio.  But I could see Tobey Maguire.


Ch1cag0Rob said...

Maybe Adrien Brody? And maybe John Turturro (who's already played a fictional grandmaster) could play a supporting role...

Bill Brock said...

I really did not like Luzhin's Defense (the movie), though I'm a Turturro fan.

The novel (Nabokov's The Defense) is a must-read.

HubDiggs said...

How about Brad Pitt?

Bill Brock said...

You've got to be kidding. :-)

Bill Brock said...

HubDiggs wrote:

"I'm no judge of male handsomeness but I have read Susan Polgar say she thought RJF was handsome and reputationally Brad Pitt is handsome so I thought maybe.

Maybe lots of male actors could play the role so I was thinking appearance might be the important thing. Needs to be tall and handsome. Hair color can be changed. "