Monday, November 7, 2011

The pin must win

With the absolute pin (pins?), all things are possible, as demonstrated by this puzzle from Yakov Neistadt's Improve Your Chess Tactics (New in Chess, 2011).

Parr-Wheatcroft, London 1938
White to play and win


Frederick Rhine said...

An immortal game that every player should know. It is at Chernev and Reinfeld, in "The Fireside Book of Chess," featured the game in a chapter entitled "The Perfect Game" and said that it might be the greatest attacking game of all time.

Parr had the key position embroidered on a tapestry that he hung on his wall.

(a) 1...Qxd7 2.Ng5+ Kh8 3.Rxh6#
(b) 1...gxh5 2.Qf5#
(c) 1...Qa5 2.Rxh6+! Bh6 3.Ng5#

Bill Brock said...

I'd never heard that story before. 1.Rh5!! is incredibly beautiful, but the tapestry may have been overkill.