Wednesday, July 21, 2010

E. Karklins - Pullin

The null move I had to use created some major issues for ChessFlash. Basically, there was no 43rd White move but I wanted to enter in two options for White's 43rd move. If anyone knows a better way to do this please edit the post and delete this comment. Thanks.


Unknown said...

I finished with 3.0/5.0 in the Expert section, but was disappointed by my result as I should have lost this game and gone 0.0/2.0 with Black pieces.

Frederick Rhine said...

The green squares are a nice touch.

Bill Brock said...

The way to enter this in ChessBase (alternate variations after final move) is to use "Enter Variation" (Control-T).

Unknown said...

Ah okay that would be a more sensible way to do it.

I ran into a worse problem trying to PGN my game with Kasiurak - ChessBase wouldn't allow me to enter a null move because the last move of the game was check!